Who Are We?

     We are a multigenerational, multicultural community of committed English-speaking Christians in the Algarve. We are part of the historic Anglican tradition, broadly evangelical and with a genuine openness to the renewal in the Holy Spirit. Our doors are open to people of all ages, nationalities, and from all backgrounds.

What is our Mission?

      Christ The King Anglican Church humbly joins in with God who loves us, the Son who redeems us, and the Holy Spirit who empowers us, being agents of transformation in our communities in the Algarve and beyond. 

Psalm 36:7 - Colossians 1:13-14 - Acts 1:8


What is our Vision? 

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Updated on 15th of July, 2024

What are our Values?

Gospel-sharing: We are passionate about the “Good News” of Jesus Christ and look to learn more and share it with those around us. This includes being intentional and creative in making disciples for him across the region.

Spirit-dependent: We are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to bring life, bear fruit and cause growth. This means our personal lives and our church life need to be marked by expectant prayer in every aspect. It is God’s Holy Spirit that guides us and adds results to our efforts.

Multi-cultural: Largely being expatriates ourselves, we have come to value diversity of age, personality, perspective, talent, experience and purpose. We long for the reality of the universal church that encompasses people from every nation, tribe, people and language.

Transformational: We know that we live in the “now and the not yet.” We are a people becoming more Christ-like but have not as yet reached the fulness of that possibility. We therefore seek authentically to live with each other in repentant, godly, servant-hearted lives, marked by the fruit of the Spirit, sharing God’s grace and known for our love.

Relational: Jesus summed up the rule of life as, “Love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” and, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” We value all that builds our relationship with God and with each other. We are in this life together and were put here by our Father to look out for each other.

Generous: “Freely you have received, freely give.” We want to share the gifts which we have been given with others. This may be through financial support, encouragement, creating through our talents, learning and teaching or enabling others’ lives. We believe that in the Kingdom of God you only get to keep what you are willing to give away.

What are our Convictions?

Historic: We stand for the historic Anglican faith and rejoice in the truths revealed in the Scriptures, rediscovered at the Reformation, of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.

Orthodox: We unite with other churches in the Worldwide Anglican Communion through the Jerusalem Declaration 2008, upholding the three historic catholic creeds, the Thirty-Nine Articles and the doctrines expressed in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and Ordinal.

Biblical: We trust the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, containing all things necessary for salvation, and to be the final authority and unchangeable standard for Christian faith and life.

Global: We rejoice to be part of, and contribute to, the worldwide fellowship of faithful Anglicans brought together by the Global Anglican Futures Conference (Gafcon). We ourselves are under the episcopal oversight of a delegate chosen through a concordant of three African Provinces.

Anglican: We value our liturgical and sacramental heritage as a rich and nourishing expression of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are also appreciative of the creative strides made in recent years of modern liturgies utilising advances in technology and contemporary culture and the arts.