Rt Rev Andy Lines

Missionary Bishop for GAFCON UK and Europe - ANiE
“My principal desire is to see Christ glorified. That is done through people coming to know him through the scriptures, and that requires local churches where he is faithfully proclaimed, and those require godly pastor-teachers to lead them and to teach them. I see my role as enabling people to be in that position.”
Bishop Andy was ordained in Paraguay where he led a pioneering work of encouraging training clergy and lay ministers. From 2000-2018 he served as Mission Director of Crosslinks, a Church of England society enabling mission initiatives in many parts of the world. In June 2017 Andy was consecrated GAFCON Missionary Bishop for Europe to provide oversight for Anglican churches outside the formal Anglican structures in the Anglican Network in Europe of which ACE is one of the convocations. In July 2020 he was asked to provide oversight for the congregations of All Saints Algarve on behalf of the Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda (EAR).
Now in 2022 as our church becomes a member of ACE churches Bishop Andy continues to be our Bishop.
He is married to Mandy and they have three adult children.
Christ The King is a member of ACE and, we are happy to say, still under the Episcopal oversight of Bishop Andy Lines. We are very pleased to receive support from others in this new convocation, to work to further the spread of the Gospel in Europe.
Work began in July 2020 by the ANiE Implementation drafting group who developed the Constitution and Canons following the Resolutions made by the Gafcon Primates Council appointing the Rt Rev Andy Lines as the bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing the Convocations of the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE) and the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE).