Leadership & Oversight

Local Leadership here in the Algarve

We have a team of dedicated people who oversee the running of the church here in Portugal. With one Worship Site, some roles are congregation specific and some oversee the whole body of the church. Below you will find some of the key people who currently serve in leadership here in the Algarve.

Rev Steven Chisholm

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Christ The King
Email Rev Steven Chisholm

I am humbled and thrilled to serve as the minister at Christ The King here in the Algarve. I grew up in the suburbs of Washington DC in the USA. My parents brought my siblings and me to church every Sunday. As a teenager, faith became more than words and I began to understand what it means to follow Christ. I went to university at Virginia Tech and, after graduation, I felt the Lord was calling me to full time ministry, first with a para-church ministry called Young Life and then working at churches. Over the past 26 years, I have worked in a variety of settings from big cities to rural areas and beach towns, and in diverse ministry roles such as youth, family, missions, discipleship, preaching and pastoral care. I finished a Masters in Theology from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada, and then married Veronica (from Brazil) in 2007. In 2016, I was ordained as priest in the Anglican Church of USA. Veronica and I have served together in ministry at the last two churches where we worked. We have two daughters, Ayla and Zelia, and an extra-large Golden Retriever named Echo, who thinks he’s a lapdog. Since we are in a “cross-cultural” marriage, we have always felt the Lord would lead us into an international ministry setting — and now here we are in Portugal! When I have free time, I like to cook, read, surf and go on runs or walks with Echo!

Janet Martin

Christ The King
Email Janet Martin

Jenny Wills

Church Secretary
Christ The King
Email Jenny Wills

Sue Moore


Christ The King
Email Sue Moore

Sue is Married to Terry, they have three children Matthew, Aaron and Rebekah and three grandchildren plus several step-grandchildren. Terry and Sue have had a varied church life over the years, and although they are both Anglicans by tradition, they have worshipped in churches of several different denominations, following God’s leading. They thank God for the privilege of the gift of music and the ability to share it. Moving to Portugal was another great privilege and an adventure that they are glad God is allowing them to have. Terry and Sue have met many lovely people here, mainly through church, and really enjoy being so actively involved.

Jane Caulfield-Kerney


Church Warden
Christ The King
Email Jane Caulfield-Kerney

Jane has been worshiping with Christ The King Anglican Church since its inception. She is married to Graeham, and they have lived in the area for almost twenty years, having been born in Scotland, but lived most of her life in England. Her background is Marketing and Market Research and she is now retired. She is happiest when feeding people, either physically or spiritually, and loves thinking up new ways to make money for the Church and her favourite charities.

Rt Rev Andy Lines


Missionary Bishop for GAFCON UK and Europe - ANiE

“My principal desire is to see Christ glorified. That is done through people coming to know him through the scriptures, and that requires local churches where he is faithfully proclaimed, and those require godly pastor-teachers to lead them and to teach them. I see my role as enabling people to be in that position.”

Bishop Andy was ordained in Paraguay where he led a pioneering work of encouraging training clergy and lay ministers. From 2000-2018 he served as Mission Director of Crosslinks, a Church of England society enabling mission initiatives in many parts of the world. In June 2017 Andy was consecrated GAFCON Missionary Bishop for Europe to provide oversight for Anglican churches outside the formal Anglican structures in the Anglican Network in Europe of which ACE is one of the convocations. In July 2020 he was asked to provide oversight for the congregations of All Saints Algarve on behalf of the Eglise Anglicane du Rwanda (EAR). 

Now in 2022 as our church becomes a member of ACE churches Bishop Andy continues to be our Bishop.

He is married to Mandy and they have three adult children.


Christ The King is a member of ACE and, we are happy to say, still under the Episcopal oversight of Bishop Andy Lines. We are very pleased to receive support from others in this new convocation, to work to further the spread of the Gospel in Europe.


Work began in July 2020 by the ANiE Implementation drafting group who developed the Constitution and Canons following the Resolutions made by the Gafcon Primates Council appointing the Rt Rev Andy Lines as the bishop of the Anglican Network in Europe, encompassing the Convocations of the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE) and the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE).